<aside> ☎️ To apply, JUST send an email to : [email protected].


About us:

πŸ”— Our Solution


🎯 Our mission

<aside> πŸ‘Œ JUST is an innovative e-commerce checkout solution. Our mission? We liberate the shopping world from complexity and usher in a new digital era where every transaction is a simple, smart and social experience. As we prepare for an exciting future, fueled by our recent €3 million seed funding round, and two years of hyper-growth, our ambition is to own the consumer journey and set a new benchmark for e-commerce excellence.

"Becoming the new standard of shopping for the next decades" isn't just a tagline, it's our commitment to the future. Join us on our mission to free consumers from the pain of traditional shopping and create a future where simplicity and elevated user experiences redefine the essence of commerce.


⚑️ Why join JUST

<aside> πŸ”₯ Here are the benefits:

Our 10-Principles will tell whether you fit with the team:

We use our 10-Principles every day, whether we’re discussing ideas for new projects or deciding on the best way to solve a problem.

  1. Think big, act big β€” We build the next GIANT and we set ourselves no limits, no glass ceilings. We go big or go home!
  2. Fight club β€” If the door's closed, find another way in, whether it’s the window or the chimney!
  3. Customer obsession β€” Our customers are the heartbeat of JUST. Always keep them at the forefront of your decisions and actions.
  4. Ownership β€” Never say β€œthat’s not my job.”
  5. Proactivity β€” Raise problem, take action, deliver results!
  6. Get things done β€” Put your hands in the πŸ’©, you will find hidden diamonds!
  7. Chutzpah β€” Be bold, be audacious and dare to express your opinions and ideas
  8. Stay humble β€” Combine humility with determination. That’s the mark of true leadership.
  9. Inquisitive Learning β€” Always be learning and continuously strive for personal and professional growth.
  10. Solidarity β€” Be present for your teammates, when they need you and even if they don't need you! Remember, you’ll never walk alone!

Current Positions