We build for the future of commerce →The innovative nature of our solution is rooted in the agnostic architecture of our gateway, where each service (storefront, carrier, order creation, analytics, authentication, etc.) is built upon an adaptive model. This model enables us to rapidly and efficiently develop integrations with any type of e-commerce infrastructure. Our models, automation, and APIs have been crafted to replicate the complex logic of CMS order creation, thereby allowing for the standardized integration of “customizations”. We've proven our model's effectiveness by integrating with 2 CMS platforms, over 100 third-party apps, and a POC on a third CMS and a second PSP within just 18 months. Furthermore, entering through the checkout module, which requires this level of integration with the e-commerce infrastructure, will enable us to leverage this knowledge to develop the rest of our vision.
There’s a perfect technological time-to-market as early 2020’s showcased a big shift in the e-commerce industry toward an API-first approach that creates a "sanitary cordon" around the CMS core and and opens the doors for creating applications that interact with the CMS in a safer and standardized manner, without having to modify its source code directly. Prior to this shift, CMS were developed wit monolithic architectures, making the development of a checkout solution unable to scale and to maintain on the long run. In this new wave of headless commerce that we call commerce 3.0 (after Amazon’s era 1.0 and Shopify’s one 2.0) where new customer journeys will arise.
Checkout is an iceberg → People think the hard part is the data entry (entering your card number, expiry address, etc), but the cause of most friction is under the surface. ****There could be countless banks, payment providers, logisticians, ERP providers, discount apps, transporters, any 3rd party app that can break the process. 1-Click checkout doesn't sound like a hard problem or something novel until you scratch under the surface and realize just how much effort it takes to make it feel effortless. Winning at Fintech is about the thousands of fascinating contradictions and tiny details that add to greatness;
We solve the problem of the conversion is a way that one else has done before: we believe conversion is about human nature and is the combination of Motivation, Simplicity and Triggers (Behaviour Model from BJ Fogg) → JUST is the first checkout experience that leverages backend connectors into marketing triggers to drive conversion for merchants. Like Amazon, like Booking, we create FOMO to the consumers to trigger purchases.
We don’t fight for pixel at the payment page → Contrary to payment wallets or BNPL providers that are integrated at the end of the payment process, we are integrated at the heart of the customer journey (on catalogue pages, product pages, cart pages and can turn any commerce channels shoppable as our headless technology allows to deploy checkout links where ever consumer are).
Conversion is the value proposition to accelerate the GDP of e-commerce → Merchants are obsessed with conversion for a good reason. The drop-off between a customer landing on a website and buying a product is enormous. The quoted industry "conversion rate" is around 2.5%. On average, 70% of users abandon it before completing a purchase. Moving the dial on this number is incredibly valuable;
Checkout is an F1 race, not a drag race → It's not just about going fast. Checkout is about the 1,000s of tiny details that enable you to go faster despite enormous complexity. Like F1, it's a battle for marginal improvements that add up to a victory.
Conversion is meaningful → Yesterday's giant disruptor is tomorrow's disrupted incumbent. The world is always changing, and there's always a prize for being better at the details. Winning means getting close to the details to build a better product. We are solving an identified problem more successfully by focusing on execution, strong tech, and details. PayPal is now the incumbent, losing A/B tests against JUST, market shares against JUST and market cap because it is getting out-innovated.